Friday, June 20, 2008

Going our seperate ways

Having survived our first year at the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at the University of California in San Diego, class of 2009 students enjoy a brief respite before the fall quarter commences and we return to our books and laptops. Many of us are traveling well beyond San Diego county, but all of us will undoubtedly have stories to share of our summer activities. This space is dedicated to classmates sharing their experiences.


LASO - IRPS said...


You are "la cagada" dude. This blog is the best thing I've seen in a while in terms of 'structured' creativity for IRPS students. I'm so happy to see a place -- one link -- where I can go to check up on my fellow IRPSers. I'll be in Leon twice this week and if you send me a phone number, I'll let you know when I'm on my way into town. I talked to Sean by phone today but won't be able to meet him until later on.

deedee said...

how the heck do I make a post??